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What's on during the Year

Throughout the year, HIC run various events, courses and activities across a range of themes, and catering to all ages and stages of life. The below are some of our annual events, but do keep a look out for the occasional one-off event we may be running.

International Cafe
Periodically runs through the year

The cafe has a relaxed atmosphere designed to help you make English speaking friends and practise your English through conversations, activities, a short talk from the Bible and discussion.


Each evening there is an opportunity to meet, chat and make friends over a cup of tea or coffee. Highgate International Cafe is informal, friendly and free, and everyone is welcome.

*Only open in term-time when running.

Christianity Explored
Discipleship Explored
Periodically runs through the year

​Discipleship Explored goes beyond simply teaching the right moves - go to church, pray, read the Bible, share the gospel - and focuses on the music which drives discipleship: the love of Christ. The greatest love anyone can ever know.


It’s an eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians and is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life. Completely free and you’re welcome to ask any questions you like, or just sit and listen.

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HOPE Explored
Periodically runs through the year 

There are few emotions more powerful than hope, but these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us? The series runs over 3 sessions - you're welcome to join for all or just a few.


All are welcome, whether you’d consider yourself a person of any faith or none. Feel free to ask any questions you like, or you can just sit and listen. Refreshments are available, this is a free event. 

Kids club
Early in the Summer

Join us for 3 mornings at the beginning of the Summer holidays where we have games, songs, crafts and play with Bible stories about Jesus and the ultimate rescue! 


A fun and engaging time for the kids, with space for adults to relax and chat over tea/coffee or to join in with the activities. We have a crèche room with toys for babies and toddlers.


£3 per day, per family, to cover costs.

International Cafe
The Holy Spirit In Shavuot
Around the festival of Shavuot

You are invited to join us for our "Holy Spirit in Shavuot" event. Shavuot is a Jewish festival, also called the Feast of Weeks. At this event we'll be guided through the way it links with Pentecost by our knowledgeable friends from "Jews for Jesus", while sharing in a Shavuot-inspired meal together.


This is a free event, but donations are welcome. All are welcome, whether you have a faith or not. Please do be in touch if you would like further information.

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Christianity Explored
Periodically runs through the year 

What's the best news you've ever heard?

Was it surprising? Did it change the way you think?

Or was it something you wanted to be true but didn't dare hope?


This free event runs over 7 sessions and helps to explore the Christian faith through thought-provoking video resources and discussions. Feel free to ask any questions around tables. Refreshments are available, and all are welcome!

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LIFE explored
Periodically runs through the year

You’re invited to join us for a seven session series thinking about what would bring you happiness, fulfilment and peace in the world we live in. 


Completely free and open to everyone, whether you’d consider yourself a person of faith or not - You’re welcome to ask any questions you like, or just sit and listen.

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Periodically runs through the year 

Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment.


Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited. 

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Foods of the World
Early Summer

People are invited to bring some food from their own country to share. At the event, we have a short Bible talk from the front, and there is lots of opportunity to eat, chat and enjoy each others company.


The cafe has a relaxed atmosphere designed to help you make English speaking friends and practise your English. There is an opportunity to meet, chat and make friends over food and drink.

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The Messiah in the Passover
Around the Jewish Passover

You are invited to join us for our celebration of Passover, together with it's connections to the Christian faith.

We share in a meal together after being guided through the traditional foods, songs and meanings of Passover. The event also includes beautiful live music played throughout the evening.


This is a free event, but donations are welcome. All are welcome, whether you have a faith or not. Please do be in touch if you would like further information.

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