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World Mission

Whilst God has placed us in North London, Highgate International Church is delighted to be financially and prayerfully supporting four missionaries and five organisations around the world.


Financial support is given through a ‘Missionary of the Month’ (MoM) programme and an Annual Missionary Offering (AMO) which runs through April, May and June each year. Please speak to a member of the Leadership Team if you would like to offer financial or other support.

Amanda Burger

L’Eau Vive, Provence, France

Married to Joel with two children – Marc and Alex. Amanda is the Administrator at this popular Christian Conference Centre. Both Joel and Amanda are trustees of L'Eau Vive Provence and Amanda is also active in another network of Christian centres and has helped set up a national website. 


Please pray for her as she meets and witnesses to local people, and she spends her time administrating and organising. For more information, visit the l’Eau Vive website.

Chrissie Mulindabigwi


Chrissie is married to Jano and they have a son, Mugabo.


Whilst currently living and working for a church in Exmouth,
Chrissie is still very much involved in the work in Rwanda, this includes working with widows, orphans, refugees, former sex workers, a network of churches and others.

Graham and Pat Eskdale
Graham & Pat Eskdale


Graham and Pat work with the unchurched and underprivileged for a number of different organisations and projects across France. They run a small church plant in the East of France.Graham is also padre for the local police.


Please pray for good health and stamina for both Graham and Pat, and for the spiritual growth of those they work with each day.

John & Yokey Roberts

Nairobi, Kenya

John and Yokey lived in Nairobi, Kenya, for 52 years, involved in personal evangelism, correspondence course work, Bible teaching and administration. Since July 2018, they have been senior and retired missionaries living with one of their daughters in Losantville, Indiana, USA.


A Prayer & Praise e-mail from John and Yokey is available on a monthly basis. Details available by e-mailing the church office.

John and Yokey

Supported Organisations

GOOD NEWS for Everyone!

Serving to introduce others to the Lord Jesus Christ by the placing, presenting and/or distributing Scriptures in many different areas of life, most often Testaments, which include the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, but also copies of the full Bible.

Good News for everyone.png
Fleet Camps
Care for someone

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”” 

Romans 10 v 14-15

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