Highgate International Church relies on giving by its congregation to fund everything it does. We believe that everything we have comes from God. We want to do what He wants with all areas of our lives, including our money, as part of our worship.
Ways you can donate
There are a number of ways to give financially to HIC, detailed below
Standing Order
Giving by regular Standing Order is an easy way to give and really helpful for the church with budgeting and administration. If you use internet banking you can set up regular giving yourself. Details and Standing Order forms are available by the donation box at the back of the main hall in the church building, or you can download a Donations Guide from the button below to print at home.
If you are able to enter a reference with your online giving, please use your surname and initials. Please let us know if you set one up, so we can record your giving correctly. You can either do this by speaking to the treasurer or emailing the church office.
One-off bank transfer
You can also make a one-off bank transfer directly to the church’s bank account. Once again, if you are able to enter a reference with your online giving, please use your surname and initials.
Payments to the church bank account can be made to the following:
Account Name: Highgate International Church
Sort Code: 50-30-03
Account No.: 29568471
If you’re a UK taxpayer and give in this way, please consider completing a gift aid form with your contribution in order to help the church to claim back a little extra on gifts given. See below section on Gift Aid for more information.
In Person
We have an 'Offerings' box just inside and to the left of the doors as you come into our main meeting room. You are very welcome to donate there in person. If you’re a UK taxpayer and are putting more than £30 into the box at any one time, please see the below section regarding considering completing a Gift Aid form in order to help the church to claim back a little extra on gifts given. Gift Aid forms can also be found on top of the 'Offerings' box.
You can also give by cheque (made payable to ‘Highgate International Church”).
If you have any trouble finding any of the things or areas mentioned, speak to a member of the Leadership Team who will be able to help you.
Registered Charity No. 1192094
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please would you consider filling in a Gift Aid form which enables the church to receive tax back as a registered charity. For every Pound given, the church is able to claim back an extra 25p from the government, meaning your gift would be even greater.
You can pick up one of these at the church by the 'Offerings' box on a Sundays, or you can download and print one below if you'd prefer:
Gift Aid declarations:
“Each person should do as he has decided in his heart – not out of regret or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything we need, you may excel in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9 v 7-8